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Sometime along his fifteen-year journey, chronic dry eye and cornea ulcers robbed Oliver of his eyesight and would have reminded him daily that pain was the ‘new norm.’ Additional indicators of previous living conditions and lack of pet caregiving were flea infestation and a tummy full of rocks.

Abandoned under the cover of night along a highway, it’s a miracle that Oliver discovered a storage unit filled with debris as his refuge. Yet he did and we were there to rush him to emergency care for lifesaving fluids.

Oliver is a joy-filled potbelly senior that requires daily eye drops, eye salve, and a diuretic for his heart condition. One of his favorite daily activities is riding on the chuck wagon cart as meals are served. From trash to becoming a lifetime treasure, is our desire for every senior dog. Because what is the value of Life, if it is absent of feeling loved?

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